
Showing posts from 2017

Mbale scholars against ban of Nursery Graduation.

Some educationists in Mbale Municipality are not in support of a plan to ban graduation for pupils in Nursery. Sarah Agisire the commissioner for special needs in the Ministry of education while officiating at a graduation of pupils of Wakiso Nursery and Primary school in Wakiso District revealed that the ministry is considering putting a ban on graduation of nursery kids. According to Agasire, by pupils putting on gowns, it demeans the essence of graduation at such a tender age. Nasib Mutyaba the director Datwins Nursery school in Maluku ward, Mbale Municipality says government should consider changing the term graduation to pass out. Mutyaba says such ceremonies signify and appreciate a child’s completion of the first cycle of education. Sarah Werikhe the headmistress Erisa Nursery and Primary school says the idea of dressing pupils in graduation gowns aims at motivating them. She says it is an opportunity to celebrate success. By: Emmah Bwayo

Authorities in Nauyo set to counter terror groups

Authorities of Nauyo town council Mbale district have vowed to mount operations against groups of children that they say are terrorizing residents in the area. This was revealed by the speaker Nauyo town council Abubakar Nsubuga saying these groups include ;Team Virgin hunter, Team kulya, Team bunu, Team kujooga, Team malwa among others. 'These groups are having children who are below sixteen years but have their seniors who give them different orders to destabilize the area'.said Nsubuga According to Nsubuga, each group is assigned a certain task citing Team virgin hunter is tasked to search and cone girls that are regarded as virgins, Team kulya grabs people’s foods and also invade functions organized in the area whereas Team malwa is for alcohol drinkers and Team Kujooga for those that engage in clubbing. The speaker however revealed that the authorities are to arrest all those children who belong to those groups for peace to prevail in the area. He also warned video hall

'Government has ignored us'.Deaf community

Uganda’s community of the deaf have raised concern following the lack of access to health information including HIV/AIDS. This after a survey revealed that HIV prevalence among them stood at 1.9% and is rising. They have also lashed at the ministry of health demanding for health awareness information in sign language across all health centers and communication media. The Persons with hearing impairments accuse the ministry of neglecting them in regard to awareness on HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis.Their remarks following a survey that indicates that only 58.3% have ever known about the viral infections and majority die without ever knowing they were infected. According to the Ministry Of Health, Commissioner in charge of Disease Control, Dr. Patrick Tusiime , he agrees that government has concentrated on treatment and focused less on prevention of HIV. There are over 1million deaf people in Uganda and 1% are living with HIV. The Crane survey 2017 was conducted among groups at increased risk

Government should empower local investors to boost Agriculture

Fatuma Namutosi director  Byeffe foods Government has been advised to prioritize on empowering the local investors if it is to realize agricultural development. Namutosi Fatuma a local food processor as well as the director of Byeffe Food Company says if empowered, farming can fetch a lot of money to the country. She stresses the need for the government to revise or even scrap taxes on farm equipments too so as to make farming affordable to local people. She also urged government to concentrate on supporting youths who are already operating businesses, than dishing money to those that have nothing on the ground. By. EMMA BWAYO

Your District Engineers are sleeping-Museveni tells sironko residents

President Museveni with minister Irene muloni,hon Woboya vicent,and hon Nambozo Florence at Bufupa landslide site photo credit Ashaba Ashiraf The president of Uganda H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has told residents of Sironko that their district engineers have failed to do their work and are just sleeping, and this has made the district to continuously have a poor road network. He said this yesterday while addressing residents who had converged for a rally at Masaba senior secondary school in Sironko district. Museveni said that the district engineers have for a long-time failed to identify the natural resources like rocks that are in plenty with in the district to be used in low cost construction of roads, he also said the government will embark on blasting the rocks so as to create raw material o help in construction of several roads in Sironko district so as to improve on tourism which has become one of the major economic activities for the district. Museveni also revealed that th

zimbabwe's mugabe has resigned

The president of zimbabwe Robert mugabe has finally resigned,this was revealed by the speaker of parliament who says has received a resignation later from him,Having ruled the country for 37 years, Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has been under increasing pressure to quit. Soldiers on November 15 took control of the headquarters of the state broadcaster ZBC and blocked access to government offices, but the army - despite putting Mugabe under house arrest - says this is not a military takeover. The unfolding crisis comes amid an apparent bid to expand the Mugabe dynasty. First Lady Grace Mugabe was said to be eyeing the vice presidency after Mugabe sacked Emmerson Mnangagwa, an ally of the army, on November 6.

Bugwere market fire victims angry with municipal leaders

vendor who recently suffered loss of their property in the recent market fire at bugwere road market have accused the municipality of not helping them to restore their businesses. Speaking to Bugisu Nation recently Moses Musayi the chairperson Bugwere road market accused Municipal authorities of minding less about the vendor’s plight. But According to Wabule, they are handling the matter at a technical level and hope to support the affected vendors. Annette Wabule the acting senior assistant for Industrial Division in Mbale Municipality has dismissed reports that they have not supported vendors whose merchandise was destroyed by fire last week. Following reports that the fire could have been caused by a short circuit, Wabule advises vendors to always seek support from qualified electricians and construct permanent structures.

Sironko FDC leaders fume over unfilled pledges ahead of the president’s visit.

FDC leadership in sironko district has vowed not to welcome HE. Yoweri Museveni on his visit to the Bufupa landslide victims in Masaaba sub county, Sironko district.  Gidongo Fred the Buwalasi sub county councillor says sironko NRM MPs would have reminded the president to fulfil the pledges instead of wasting time and tax payer’s money on fuel to say more lies. Maniaku francis Kyegulo an FDC mobiliser from Budadiri East explains that for 30years president Museveni has been breeding on lies and unfulfilled pledges, citing the Women fund which he says has not benefited any woman to date.   Magumba amza Bruhan the FDC Chairperson of Budadiri town council says that president Museveni should first ask for forgiveness from sironko residents for the perennial unfulfilled pledges. meanwhile speaking from Elgon fm yesterday, Budadiri East legislator Vincent Waboya says FDC members should join the organising committee in preparing for the warm welcome of the visitors, promis

Bubyangu Residents decline proposal to join Buteza sub county in Sironko district.

Residents of the two villages of Bumoteka and Kilayi in Kilayi parish in Bubyangu sub county in Mbale district have rubbished speculations that they have requested to join Buteza sub county in Sironko district. Watsala Charles LC Bumoteka village in kilayi parish says he's 55years and has spent all the years in Mbale district. and doesn't see any value of shifting to Buteza. he also says he gets exgratia money from Mbale the only indictor that he is a bonified leader of Mbale. Mafabi Zaverio a resident of bumudoma in Kilayi say he was born in Mbale. he denies speculations that they get services in Sironko district. He explains that all particulars on his identification documents like National ID shows Mbale as his identification area not Sironko. Kadungala Wilson also known as Lunyode another resident of Kilayi rubbishes the speculations that they want to vote from Sironko. he says that he has electoral code numbers of his Kilayi parish in Mbale not Sironko as it is speculate

sironko residents protest poor state of Road amidst planned presidential visit

One of the culverts in Bumusi parish, Buyobo Sub County was destroyed by residents this morning who were protesting the poor state of the road.this comes after residents of Sironko received information that his excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni will be visiting the landslide victims of Bufupa parish in Masaba sub county on the 22nd of November 2017.hence residents want the president to see what they are going through due to the poor state of roads. Ali Madoi the councillor representing Buyobo Sub County in Sironko District says the poor state of the road is having a devastating economic effect on farmers who transport agriculture produce to markets. Madoi says many residents are nursing injuries in health units due to accidents that occur as a result of the poor state of the road. Meanwhile the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) station manager George Ssonko has told Elgon FM that maintenance works on the Bumusi-Budadiri road will start in December this year. According to Ssonko

Zimbabwe's Mugabe Planning to Step Down

President Robert Mugabe is preparing to step down, a few hours after the Zimbabwean military took over power, a leading South African news website has reported. "Mugabe 'preparing to step down' - senior source," News24 website posted, without giving any further details. Political tensions have been rising since President Mugabe recently sacked Emmerson Mnangagwa, a long-time ally, as vice-president. The Zanu PF Twitter account claims that Emmerson Mnangagwa has been made interim president. The 75-year-old was sacked from his post as vice-president for what the government called "traits of disloyalty". At the time, his removal was seen as making it more likely that President Mugabe's wife, Grace, would follow in her husband's footsteps as leader of Zimbabwe. She had earlier called on her husband to remove his vice-president. Soldiers have seized the headquarters of Zimbabwe's national broadcaster and loud explosions and gunfire have been heard

Bugwere road market vendors cry out for help after market fire

Vendors who lost merchandise to the fire that gutted Bugwere road market in Mbale Municipality on Sunday morning have appealed to government for support. The fire which the market leaders have blamed on a short circuit destroyed food, clothes and electrical appliances among others worth millions of shillings. Michael Gidaguyi one of the affected vendors claims that he lost property worth six million shillings. The property included an electrical shop and welding equipment. Gidaguyi has appealed to government to support him with one million shillings as start up for his business which is no more. Prossy Nambozo says she lost merchandise worth three hundred thousand shillings.  Nambozo says the business has been footing rent, food and education fees for her two children. Some of the vendors explain their predicament. Moses Musayi the chairperson Bugwere road market says more than 300 vendors were affected by the fire. Musayi says government needs to come to their rescue

ICC calls upon Uganda to arrest president Bashir

President Bashir is wanted by the Hague-based International Criminal Court. The Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir yesterday afternoon arrived in the country for a two day state visit. <script data-ad-client="ca-pub-4081399026497688" async src=""></script> Top on agenda during his visit, is the South Sudan peace process and bilateral discussions with his host on a number of areas of cooperation between Sudan and Uganda. President Al-Bashir is accompanied by Ministers, Senior Officials and a business delegation in various sectors, with a Sudan- Uganda Business Forum expected to be held. Since 2015, the Museveni and Bashir have been trying to patch the on-and-off relations between the two governments. President Bashir is wanted by the Hague- based International Criminal Court (ICC) on two counts of crimes against humanity and genocide of more than 300,000 deaths in Sud

Candidates curse government for stopping LC1 Elections

Following the suspension of elections for Administrative Units (LC I and II) and Women Councils and Committees by the Electoral Commission yesterday, some candidates vying for positions in Bugisu have expressed disappointment. The suspension followed two court orders blocking Women Council elections which was slated for today and the follow up Local Council I vote slated for next week. The two court orders followed applications by concerned citizens challenging the elections in the absence of Advanced Secondary School students who are currently sitting their examinations until December 8. Paulo Gidudu the Forum for Democratic Change candidate for Bunambozo village, Busamaga parish in Buwalasi Sub County, Sironko District says suspension of the elections means more financial resources must be spent to continue canvassing for votes. Gidudu also says that many Ugandans were eager to vote and the suspension may have an effect on voter turn out. Godfrey Walela (FDC) and Lul

Sheeba and Rema Survive Attack from hooligans at Thatch Gardens

Musicians Sheebah Karungi and Rema Namakula encountered a tough Saturday night in Mbale at Thatch Gardens, when the fans they had come to perform for turned against them. according to the organizers of the function, Masha events,The terrible evening started when in the middle of the performances, a heavy downpour erupted, forcing revelers to seek shelter on the stage where musicians were acting from. The rains started at around midnight, and on stage was ‘Team No Sleep’ singer Roden Kabako. Sheebah karungi arriving in Mbale on Saturday Before Kabako, another ‘Team No Sleep’ singer Topic Kasente and a number of musicians based in Mbale had already sang for the happeners. But as more people thronged the podium, it started appearing weak, prompting the masha events management to request fans to vacate the stage as they also prepare for the next performer, who was Rema. “It was almost breaking down!” reads the statement from the organiser. However, the audience did not welcome the idea

Bubyangu Residents Angered by Area Mp over Age Limit consultations

Residents of Bubyangu Sub County in Bungokho North Constituency, Mbale District are not happy with the decision by their area Member of Parliament Gershom Sizomu Wambede not to consult them on the controversial age limit bill which seeks to remove the 75 year cap for one to stand for the presidency. Francis Madoma a councillor representing Madenge parish in Bubyangu Sub County says that they are surprised that MP Wambede has sidelined them on the contentious constitutional matter. Nasur Mwima another resident of Bubyangu Sub County claims that since the 2016 general elections, MP Wambede has never returned to the area. Mwima accuses Wambede of handpicking a few people to represent the entire Sub County. Abdu Majid Busito the Bubyangu LCIII Chairperson admits MP Wambede has not appeared in the Sub County. According to Busito, the poor state of Bubyangu road could be the reason the legislator has stayed away. Efforts to get a comment from MP Wambede were futile as his mobil

persue futher studies Kidega tells UCU students

The Former Speaker of the East African Parliament Dan Kidega has urged Ugandans to go for further studies so as to open up more opportunities. Kidega made the appeal during the graduation ceremony of Uganda Christian University, Mbale Campus. According to Kidega, Ugandans should continue with education so as to acquire more knowledge to develop the country. Kidega also urged the students to be self sustaining by creating businesses to earn a living. He said this will help to solve the unemployment problem and reduce the dependency syndrome. More than 300 students received certificates, diplomas, Bachelors and Master’s degrees. Of these 95% were female with boys making up only 5%.

Former Sironko Deputy RDC William Omara sued over sh10M Debt

Bunanimi Microfinance, a savings and credit organization says it has instituted legal proceeds against former Sironko Deputy Resident District Commissioner William Omara for failure to pay money amounting to 10 million shillings that he borrowed in 2015. Violet Nakoko the manager for Bunanimi SACCO says Omara borrowed three million shillings but only managed to pay back two million leaving a balance of one million shilling. According to Nakoko, the balance coupled with interest has now accumulated to ten million shillings. She accuses Omara of being rude to them every time they ask him to clear the balance. Nakoko says they have now decided to lodge a case at Mbale High Court to compel Omara to pay the SACCO. But Omara has told Bugisu Nation that he borrowed money three million shillings in 2016 and not 2015 as the SACCO claims. He says several attempts to pay the one million shilling balance have yielded no result after the SACCO insisted that he pays ten million shi

DP-Doctor's strike is a sign of poor planning

The Democratic Party has blamed the doctor’s strike on government’s poor planning. The opposition party’s Vice President Fred Mukasa Mbidde says the government only increases salaries of public servants who have gone on strike instead of initiating periodic salary increments across the board. He adds that the strike signals a serious national crisis which government must address urgently to enable the doctors return to work. Doctors under the Uganda Medical Association yesterday resolved to lay down their tools over poor pay and poor working conditions. Among their demands is that government reviews their salaries so that an intern doctor earns Shs8.5m as opposed to the current Shs 960,000. They also propose that a senior consultant doctor becomes the highest paid health worker with a gross salary of Shs48m plus allowances. By. Nyango yasin

Uganda,All Cival Servants For Compulsory HIV-AIDS Testing

The Uganda AIDS Commission is calling for compulsory HIV/AIDS testing for all civil servants in the country. This was revealed by Peter Wakoba the director for planning and strategy at Uganda AIDS Commission. Wakoba was speaking to Bududa district staff during a training on the five point plans to end HIV/AIDS which were launched by President Yoweri Museveni last year. The five points include testing, training men on HIV prevention, prevention of mother to child, among others. According to Wakoba if all civil servants are tested, many Ugandans will be encouraged to follow suit so as to know their status. Benah Namono the Bududa district HIV focal person blames the high prevalence rate on men using money to lure girls into sex. BY WESWA RONNIE

Nambeshe Donates Blood count Machines Off Age limit cash

John Baptist Nambeshe the Manijiya County Member of Parliament finally donated a blood count machine to Bududa hospital. Speaking at the handover, Nambeshe said the machine cost 18 million shillings, part of the 29 million shillings he received to for consultations on the controversial proposed amendment of article 102(b) of the Ugandan constitution.   According to Nambeshe, he will use the remaining funds to secure beds and mattresses for the children’s’ ward at Bududa hospital and other health centers in the district. Patrick Mweru the Bududa district Secretary for Social services while receiving the machine on behalf of the district warned against politicisation at the expense of the people meant to receive services. He thanked MP Nambeshe for the donation which will boost health service delivery in the district. Richard Matsanga and Rose Mukite both residents of Bududa town council have welcomed the donation and say, it will save them from having to move to Mbal

UCE examination leakage started in Iganga says UNEB boss

The recent leakage of Uganda Certificate of Examination (UCE) papers has been traced to Iganga district. The confirmation comes a week after media reports indicating that examination papers were circulating on social media long before they were done by the candidates. UNEB Executive Secretary Dan Odongo says preliminary investigations have traced the leakage to storage station in Busesa. He adds that the area supervisor and scouts have since been arrested to aid investigations into the matter. “The scout sent to guard the exam confessed that he was paid 1 million Shillings to give his keys to perpetrators of the fraud,” Odong told journalists in Kampala today. According to Odongo, over 26 people from various districts have so far been arrested in relation to the examination leakage. Of the arrested; five were from Entebbe, five from Rwizi, four from Rwenzori west region, two from Serere, one from Amuria, nine from Kampala and one from Iganga. They include priv

No More buveras in Uganda,Minister Kitutu

The government is committed to fully  implementing the ban on polythene packaging  material commonly known as Kavera. The assurance is given by the state minister  for environment Dr Mary Goretti Kitutu at a  time government is accused of dragging its  feet on implementation of the ban unlike  Kenya which has fully implemented it. Kitutu says the ban is still on but quickly adds  that some final laws are being worked  on with the ministry of trade before full  implementation is rolled out. Implementation of the ban has been dodged  with fights between manufacturers, traders, various government ministries and agencies. By Nyango yasin

Mbale-FDC supporters clash with police.

As earlier promised by the district FDC boss of Mbale Mrs Wakuri Madanda  Drummer ensure on Saturday 5th November as FDC supporters in Mbale welcomed Patrick Oboi Amuriat commonly known as POA , an FDC Presidential candidate, who had come to meet FDC delegates at Mtn Inn hotel in Namakwekwe.this comes after police in Mbale had declined to give clearance to FDC to hold a rally at cricket ground in Mbale. It all started when amuriat's supporters saw police vehicles patrolling outside the hotel and around the town. Police had staged a check point around the famous namakwekwe junction opposite townside high school checking every vehicle that was entering town to ensure amuriate and Nandala were not to enter town. Meanwhile before police could notice it Amuriate and Nandala were already in town amidst celebrations from their supporters, something that didn't go well with police hence provoking it to swing into action with tear gas canisters and firing live bullets in the air to

Budadiri West voters ask Nandala to guard their views on article 102(B) Jelously

Voters in Budadiri west are worried about proper representation of their views in parliament about article 102(B) This was revealed by residents of Budadiri west constituency on 4th November 2017 during the consultation meetings held by the area mp Nathan Nandala Mafabi about Age limit amendment of Article 102(B) which if amended will see the incumbent president His Excellence  Yoweri kaguta museveni seek another Presidential term in the coming elections to be held in 2021 Residents voiced their concerns saying their woman member of parliament Sironko district Nambozo Florence Mayogo held indoor meetings with a few members of NRM and allowed her to go and amend article 102(B) yet the majority of the people were not reached by her an issue that is still haunting the community. Meanwhile Nathan Nandala has asked the voters in Budadiri West to remain firm as they trust him with their views about age limit amendments to take to parliament. Mafabi also asked residents to boycott MP